What We Offer

We sell our meat through a direct-to-consumer process using shares. You can purchase a half or a whole share of an animal, and then receive your desired cuts from the processor.

Pastured Pork

$5.25 per pound hanging weight + processing fees.

Processor charges a flat fee of $150 in addition to $1.25/pound

2022 average hanging weight was ~250 lbs.

Grass Fed Lamb

$8.00 per pound hanging weight + processing fees

Processor charges flat fee of $125 in addition to $1.25/pound

2022 average hanging weight was ~40 lbs.



Reach out to reserve your share for the 2023 season!

We do require a $100 deposit in order to reserve your share.

We will email you an invoice where the deposit can be paid online.

Photos by Tae Tebos